Saturday, February 21, 2009

Long Time, No Read!

Hello! I am soooooooo sorry I have not made any lately. I have been busy with FACEBOOK!!!!! Well my life is getting pretty exciting. My older brother Josh, Is going into the AirForce! Last Monday was his deadline for being UNDER!! weight but I think Josh got confussed on the deadline so the time monday camde around He was over 6 pounds. His boss got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad at him. He even cused and O my wow! He was mad! He was sopossed to lose his job but the guy saved his job for him! So ya, That was pretty exciting. The bad thing is that he leaves monday morning!=[
But the GOOD thing is that we get to go to Texas in april for his graduation. Well i g2g ttyl byz=]


  1. A dead line for being undereweight??? thats pretty stupid. in my opinion.

  2. if u r for real sure! my mom said she doent mind
